First Public Sign Language Centre in Juba
Our partner in South Sudan together with other associations, such the South Sudan national Association of the Deaf (SSNAD), advocated for the establishment of the first ever Public Sign Language Centre in Juba – South Sudan, under the theme: “Knowing sign language, evidently is a stand for an inclusive society” on the 14th of May 2024.
The Central Equatoria State Minister for Gender, Child and Social welfare, on behalf of H.E Governor Central Equatoria State, Country Director for Light For The World-South Sudan, Chairperson for South Sudan National Association of the Deaf, chairperson for South Sudan Union for Persons with Disability, CEPO Executive Director and all participants signed on the Banner as a symbol of personal commitment and dedication in supporting the initiative.

She stated the significance of learning sign language “is pivotal for nurturing an inclusive society in South Sudan. And it is aligning with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) signed on 24th February 2024, the establishment of this centre marks a crucial step towards weaving inclusivity into the fabric of our Nation. By empowering individuals with the tools to communicate inclusively, we pave the way for a more equitable and understanding society.”
We are Able! was set up by the African Disability Forum, SeeYou Foundation, Leprazending, VNG International, The Hague Academy for Local Governance and ZOA.