The image books are designed to support the communication between health care staff and deaf women about Sexual and Reproductive health. The image books cover the most important topics in the area of Family Planning, Prenatal Care, Birth and Postnatal care. The image books contain the most important anamnesis questions. The questions and possible answers are explained with pictures and icons.  

How to use it

The image books can be used to support communication during health education, consultations, health check-ups, delivery and during provision of postnatal care. The image books are especially useful for communication with deaf women who do not use sign language.

How it was developed

The image books have been developed in cooperation with health professionals, deaf women, National Associations of the deaf, sign language interpreters & designers. The manuals have not yet undergone intensive field testing. Are you using the manuals and do you have feedback? Please share your experiences via

Available versions

The Image books on Family Planning, Prenatal Care, Birth and Postnatal care are available in Amharic, English, Kinyarwanda, Portuguese. Some manuals are still under construction. So check for updates. 

How to download?

Click on one of the links below to download the preferred version of the Prenatal Care or Family Planning image book.

Prenatal Care image book

Family Planning image book